Saturday, November 6, 2010

80 Coasters

After drying the flowers from my grandfather's funeral, I was tasked with making 80 coasters for members of our extended family.  My grandfather left behind 6 children, 22 grandchildren, and 19 great-grandchildren. 

He also left behind an amazing legacy.  He was a World War II Army veteran who earned the Purple Heart and came home from the war to marry his high school sweetheart.

My grandparents were married for 62 years and together raised 6 kids on the salary my grandfather made as high school Math teacher.  My grandfather tithed each of his paychecks to his church and was distinguished for voting in every election since 1942. 

My grandfather and I shared the same birthday, which will always remain special to me.  He was truly a member of the Greatest Generation and I was honored to be able to preseve his memory for so many family members by completing this project.

See August 26th Blog entry for more photos.

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